Dear all,
The following are some activities that we are organising for the 2021 Season, as the den will not be open and Sorcha is not available.
I am in the process of recruiting some teenagers to run Saturday soccer, however I need an adult present for these session’s (does not have to be the same adult all the time).
Please let me know if you are willing to help on any one Saturday through the 2021 season.
Soccer Camp
In addition to Saturday Soccer Harry Kenny has kindly agreed to run another Soccer camp from the 3rd to the 6th August inclusive.
Dance Camp
Dance camp will take place from the 20th of July till the 23rd July inclusive
Art Camp
Art camp will take place from the 9th August to the 13th August inclusive.
Tennis Camp
Tennis camp will take place from the 26th July to the 30th July inclusive.
We are also in contact with the surf school and a paddle board company and are hoping to organise something with these.
Please see the attached link for Information on Open Swimming which will be available in Tara Glen if there is enough interest.
TG Open Water Swimming Programme Summer 2021
For those New to the Park,
Pamela will continue with pilates as normal on a Monday and Friday and Kathy Mills is proposing to run a bootcamp if there is enough Interest.
In addition there is a very active cycling group and if you are interested you can contact Frans Van cauwelaert.
David Meagher runs the Dad soccer which takes place on a Sunday afternoon.